How old must I be to apply?

Utah State Law Requires that applicants be at least 21 years of age. Your class application and credentials are valid for up to one year after the course, so 20 year olds can take the class and wait until their 21st birthday to submit the application.

How long will I have to wait to receive my permit?

Statute allows for up to 60 days to issue but time can vary.

What Happens After the Class?

The student leaves the class with the completed packet of paperwork including fingerprints, photos, etc. The student needs to either mail the packet to the state office or physically deliver it to the office in Taylorsville.

How long is the class?

We schedule our classes for a 4 hour period. Classes can often go as long as 4 1/2 hours. Class time can vary depending on the size of the class, number of questions, etc.

Do I have to shoot a firearm for this class?

Range Time firing of a weapon is NOT required for this permit. You still must demonstrate safe handling of the types of weapons you will carry.

What if I am not a Utah Resident or don’t have a Utah Driver’s License?

A Utah concealed carry permit is available to residents from ANY state. That said Utah does require that non-residents from states that have existing reciprocity with Utah first obtain the permit from their home state before applying for the Utah permit.

With a Utah CCW what states may I carry in?

AK*, AL, AZ, AR, CO, DE, FL*, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MI*, MN*, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NH*, NM, NE, OK, OH, PA*, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT*, WV, WA, WY.

Will my or can my neighbors, friends, employer find out I have a CCW?


Must I have a firearm to take this class?

No firearms or ammunition are needed

Must I register my firearm when I receive my permit?

No, Firearms are not registered in Utah.

What is the cost of the permit?

Starting January 1, 2019 the application fees for the CFP are $53.25 for in-state applicants and $63.25 for out of state applicants.

What forms of payment will Utah accept?

Cash, check, or credit card.

What forms of payment will ConcealedCarry.com accept?

Cash, check, or credit card (Visa, or MasterCard).

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